Botanic Garden

It is prepared with different spaces where you can find a great diversity of floral species of the Cibao Valley, species of the Dominican flora, some endangered species, and several exotic species of scientific, botanical and landscape interest.


Among its areas are:

  • Greta Butterfly Farm
  • Arboretum
  • Labyrinth
  • Demonstration Wetland
  • Palmetum
  • Cacti and Succulents
  • Aromatic and Medicinal
  • Mahogany Genetic Bank
  • Dominican Conuco
  • Rose Garden
  • Nursery
  • Endless Coffee
  • Christ of Mercy
  • Hanging Bridge
  • Cerro Gazebo
  • Meteorological Station
  • The Cycleway
  • Butterfly Salon
  • Trails and Paths
  • Demonstrative Apiary
  • The Herbarium
  • Art in the Garden
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